Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Made it to Germany...
Celia and Dean were SO excited to ride the trains.  (Celia's sporting her new "German" headband. :)
The excitment of the train NEVER got old. 

I kept telling Celia about THE pretzel the size of your head that we used to get when we lived in Germany.  She was quite happy when we finally were able to have one.  
Our old stomping grounds-Romer Platz near our old apartment in Frankfurt.

Dean's new hat we got while in Germany.  Nowhere near cold enough for this hat, but as you can see he loved it and couldn't take it off (even when his cheek color started to match the hat :).

Another highlight while we were in Frankfurt, Germany was the kid festival.  Celia and Dean had a great time at this and it helped me feel less guilty for taking them to so many stores. :)
When we first moved to Germany in '05, we saw this "slide" and giggled at how it would never be legal in the U.S.  So glad Celia and Dean got to ride on this.
While we were at the festival we saw this...a "beer bike" (while everyone on the outside peddaled and steered this huge bike, someone else stood in the middle with the beer taps filling up everyone's cups).  HILARIOUS!  It was a group of high school seniors that were celebrating graduation.  Only in Europe...

Here's how the Watsons do breakfast and lunch when we travel.  I mean, when you are in Germany you can only handle so many bratwursts. :)

Dinner another night where we had one of our favoriate Frankfurt meals.  Schnitzel with Frankfurt sauce = YUM.  (Yes, somehow Drew and I both have the same kind of shirt (see top of blog...kinda cute, huh?  Right?  Tell me yes, please.  Dean called me out, saying "Mom, you wearing Daddy's shirt! :).

Natural History Musuem in Frankfurt (a favorite place of ours from back in the day).
After four days in Frankfurt, we headed back to the U.S.  All Celia kept talking about was getting apple juice on the airplane.  She's loving life here.
Dean slept like this for three hours!  Best he's ever done on a flight, which was a good thing because the movie system was down for our ENTIRE flight.  YIKES!!!

We are now back and "settled."  Celia had her kindergarten orientation toay and starts tomorrow.  Our shipment from Italy will hopefully be here this week.

1 comment:

  1. I love the matching shirts! They look so cute on both of you! So was the Germany trip after being back in the states? I think I just got confused! Cel and Deano are so cute and photogenic and are you blonder?!! I love that too!
